Ceai verde Mao Feng Shui 5g / 200ml apa / 80 grade / 2 min. Ceainic preincalzit (foto Razvan Bulus: Mao Feng Shui dupa infuzie) Frunzele suple si curbate de Mao Feng Shui deschid larg usa unui gust umami perfect integrat cu after taste bland prelung si muzical. O briza calda, linistitoare ca vocea Viennei Teng in Lullabye for a Stormy Night, ascultate sub plapuma cand ai 5 ani si te trezeste furtuna in miez de noapte:
Little child, be not afraid Though rain pounds harshly against the glass Like an unwanted stranger There is no danger I am here tonight Little child, be not afraid Though thunder explodes and lightning flash Illuminates your tear-stained face I am here tonight And someday you'll know That nature is so The same rain that draws you near me Falls on rivers and land On forests and sand Makes the beautiful world that you'll see In the morning Little child, be not afraid Though storm clouds mask your beloved moon And its candlelight beams Still keep pleasant dreams I am here tonight Little child, be not afraid Though wind makes creatures of our trees And their branches to hands They're not real, understand And I am here tonight And someday you'll know That nature is so The…
PS infuzia a doua ( 5g / 200ml apa / 80 grade / 2 min.) schioapata putin pe tonurile medii, dar pastreaza mult din gratia surorii mai mari. Nu e congenital schiopatatul, doar o piatra in pantof. Nota: Proiectul Sinensis 41, este o calatorie fermecata pe corabia Camelliei Sinensis, care dureaza 41 de zile. Am selectat 41 de sortimente de ceai din toate cele 5 categorii mari: ceai alb, ceai verde, ceai oolong, ceai pu-erh, ceai negru si dedic fiecaruia cate o zi.